Here are the 15 members of the Committee. We also have the valuable help of several Associates who regularly attend our meeting and/or provide expert advice to the Committee. They may not have a final vote but their opinions form an important part of our decision making process.
Chair – Steve Slater
Born and bred in and around Boston, Steve is a local footballer and still playing at age 64 for Boston United Walking Football team and very proud to say for England. Steve is the founder member of the Wyberton Wombles and is a Parish Councillor for Wyberton. He has a passion and drive to make things happen when he has a great team around me. Steve is a dedicated Boston United fan and season ticket holder.
Deputy Chair – Glen Maddison
Glen has been a partner at Chris Cook Print for 30 years, and has supported Boston United from a young age, having been involved at the Club on and off over many years in various positions. Glen currently volunteers as a Match Day Host in Club 85. His aim is to raise the profile of Boston United Supporters Association (BUSA) so the Association can be a stronger support to the football Club.
Treasurer – Wayne Smith
I began watching Boston United in the early 70s, so have seen plenty of highs and lows. When the club moved to the new stadium, I really wanted to become more involved. I attended last year's Boston United Supporters Association AGM and after a further meeting with our chairman and a Mr Chris Cook, I agreed to take on the Treasurer's role. Since then, the committee has gone from strength to strength and I hope to be part of it for the foreseeable. As Treasurer, I am happy to accept anybody's money for any reason to help the club.
Secretary – Cheryl Slater
I have lived in and around Boston for many years and now retired from the NHS working for 30 plus years at Pilgrim Hospital as medical secretary and operational manager. I now have time to devote my energies supporting the Committee with any admin required and organising fundraising events. I am a season ticket holder and enjoy attending as many home and away games as possible. My son was a youth team player in the Steve Evans’ era and my husband now plays for the Boston United Walking Football over 60’s team - so I am well trained in the ups and downs of being a supporter.
Membership Secretary and Communication Lead – Shannan Smith
I bought my first season ticket last year and was really impressed with the setup at the club. I went along to one of the Boston United Supporters Association meetings and everyone made me feel very welcome. I then put myself forward to join the committee and have since taken over the role of Membership Secretary. I enjoy being a part of the Supporters Association and look forward to what the future holds for both us and the club.
Away Travel Lead – Jan Birley
I have been an avid football fan for 60 years Boston being my first ’love’ since 1998. I have been a committee member for BUSA since its inception wanting to get involved to ensure regular away travel to games which unfortunately, at the time, the club couldn’t always provide. Following my predecessor stepping away I took on the role of travel co-ordination/organiser which has certainly kept me busy with many highs and lows over the last 24 years. Away from BUSA I also love to travel but preferring Planes and Ships.
Volunteer Lead – Roger Twells
I started watching every game about four years ago when nearing retirement. I got to know one or two people on the committee and thought I would like to help if an opportunity arose. About a year ago, I was voted onto the committee, and I have loved being able to help the club in any way possible ever since.
Policy Lead – Ernie Napier
Born in Boston (I never escaped!), I became a Boston United supporter at the age of 10. Employment and 28 years as a Boston Borough Councillor meant that I wasn’t as regular an attender as I wanted to be. My brief claim to fame, as a Councillor, was when I kicked a football at York Street in front of a television camera for some special event, though I don’t know whether they broadcast it. Since the year 2000 I have missed few home games and began travelling to away games in the last 3 to 4 years. I joined the new BUSA Committee because I felt I should give some time back to a Club that has given me so much pleasure over the years.
Committee Member – Karen Fletcher
In 1977 my late husband took me to my first Boston United game. Some years later we started coming to every home game and within a month every away game. 46 years on I joined BUSA to help raise money for the supporters and Club. Hopefully the money raised will enhance the experience at the ground for today's supporters and future supporters.
Committee Member – Mick Lawson
I’ve lived in Boston my whole life and married with three boys. I have supported Boston United from an early age so have been going at least 50 years. I recently joined the Committee as I want what is best for our Club, as we all do. I go to all home games and 99% of away games, only missing a handful in the last 50 years. I have played for Boston United Walking Football team but haven’t played recently because of a knee problem. My ambition is to get more people joining and involved in what Boston United Supporters Association do as we all know more hands can only help our Club go forward.
Committee Member – Peter Woods
I’m a little ashamed to admit it but my first visit to York Street was in 1966, the 4th qualifying round FA Cup tie versus Grantham, albeit in those distant days, I was a Grantham Town Supporter. Fast forward to 1982 when I moved to Boston and revisited York Street to be enthralled by the likes of Dominic Genovese, Dave Gilbert and a youngster called Chris Cook. Since that day I have been an avid United fan, experiencing the exhilarating highs (and devastating lows) that following United are an almost annual experience. Being a Boston United fan can never be described as boring!
As retirement loomed from my employment as an Operations Manager, my plan was to try and give a little back to the United community, volunteering for whatever, whenever the Club required a helping hand. Last season returning from a particularly difficult to accept Tuesday night defeat at Spennymoor, the coach debate became a little heated regarding rumours emerging about the future of BUSA. A Committee member virtually challenged me to prove my heartfelt views by joining the Committee and righting my perceived wrongs. And, here I am today (incidentally the rumours were incorrect).
Committee Member – Keith Motley
I decided to join the Committee because of my deep passion for the Club and my desire to contribute to its success. As a dedicated fan and season ticket holder I realised the significance of actively participating in the Club’s activities and strengthening the bond between the team and its supporters. Joining the Committee allows me to have a direct impact on shaping the fan experience, organising events and advocating the best interests of the club and its loyal followers. I am excited to work alongside fellow fans and make a difference to the Boston United community.
Committee Member – Andy Creasey
I have supported Boston United since the early 90s, and have been involved as a ballboy, programme seller, golden goal seller, but most importantly a fan throughout. Having recently moved back to the area after being exiled for almost 20 years I wanted to help where I can, and I believe BUSA is the best place to do that. I believe all supporters should enjoy their matchday experience despite the many differing needs and desires and want to help the club understand what its mort important assets (the fans) want.
Committee Member – Lorna Trigg
Born and raised in Boston with my dad taking me to my very first Boston game at the age of 8 at York Street, I fell in love with the atmosphere of watching the football and supporting my home town club. Over the years I’ve followed Boston United dipping in and out of attending games while I went to university and started teaching. This year I pledged to attend as many games as I could both home and away. On the coach I listened to many conversations and committee members about how much work they do for the club and plans to help the club in the future and felt very inspired by this. When my dad (a fellow committee member!) told me about a vacancy to join, I couldn’t help but apply and become a part of the BUSA committee! I am excited to help support the club and provide those vital links from the club into the community.
Committee Member – Julian Robinson
I have been supporting Boston United for around 45 years most of which as a season ticket holder. Both my late parents were also big Boston United supporters. My wife Claire and daughter Amber are also season ticket holders and love going home and away to watch Boston United. I work at Tesco at Boston and serve many a supporter. I’m always plugging Ellenders and encouraging people to attend a match. If anyone has any ideas for BUSA etc., you will find me most days at Tesco. The reason I wanted to join the committee was to help raise funds for the club and help BUSA put supporters’ views to the club and putting something back to the club. BUFC is in the family DNA.