WE WANT YOUR VIEWS so please come along and view the plans for the new stadium, which is planned to be built at The Quadrant.
The architects for the new stadium will be present to explain the rationale behind the stadium design, alongside the directors of Boston United.
Chairman David Newton told bufc.co.uk: "Only by working together can we build a new home for Boston United that will meet everyone’s needs and aspirations.
"We hope as many supporters as possible will join us in what will be a real ‘hands on’ event. Supporters will get the opportunity to get a pen out, scribble on our plans and drawings and suggest any changes that they think should be made to ensure that we deliver a great fans experience at the new stadium."
The workshop starts at 7.00pm.
For further details on the development at The Quadrant, please visit www.thequadrantboston.co.uk.